Welcome to Montana’s Healthcare Mutual Aid System (MHMAS) for Healthcare and Public Health Professionals.
MHMAS is the Emergency System for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals for the state of Montana. MHMAS is a secure, web based online registration system used to register, verify and credential volunteer health care professionals BEFORE a major disaster or public health emergency occurs.
Registration is open to Montana’s health and medical professionals, as well as non-medical professionals who would like the opportunity to volunteer to respond to “all hazards” incidents. Your involvement as a volunteer will help ensure that people affected by a disaster will receive the public health and medical care they need. During site registration, you will be required to provide basic personal and professional information. You will be able to update this information at any time as changes occur. If approved you will receive notification of your acceptance into the system, upcoming educational and training opportunities and periodic newsletters.
Please remember that “volunteer” truly means volunteer. You can choose, at any time, to decline any request that you may receive for your deployment.
Thank you for your interest in lending your skills and expertise to assist Montana during an emergency.